Start accepting Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency payments on your website
- Borderless cryptocurrency payments.
- Integrate Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, ERC-20 Tether, XRP on your website as a payment option.
- Receive payments in any amount, anywhere in the world.
- Exchange, store and spend cryptocurrencies securely.
Borderless cryptocurrency payments.
Integrate Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, ERC-20 Tether, XRP on your website as a payment option.
Receive payments in any amount, anywhere in the world.
Exchange, store and spend cryptocurrencies securely.
7 Cryptocurrencies
Accept major cryptocurrencies on your website: Bitcoin BTC, Bitcoin Cash BCH, Litecoin LTC, Ethereum ETH, Dash, ERC-20 Tether USDT, XRP
Low fee
Only 0.99% transaction fee. Fee can be either included (paid by customer) or excluded (paid by merchant) from the invoice.
Safe transactions
No chargebacks. No volatility risks (exchange rate is fixed for 15 minutes after invoice has been created).

Merchant solutions
Сontrol over your data. Overview of your stats for income, revenue, sales dynamics, payments of your choosing all in one place.
Automatically pay your clients or employees (e.g. salary) in cryptocurrency.
Auto withdrawal
Transfer to your own wallet without additional fees.
Schedule auto-withdrawal of required amount daily/monthly/quarterly/annual.
Create merchant account
Schedule auto-withdrawal of required amount daily/monthly/quarterly/annual.
Choose your integration options
API Libraries
Instant Payment Notification Format
Supported Payment Methods
Shopping Cart Plugins
WordPress Plugin